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Asian Medical Students Association Keluarga Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran (AMSA KEMA FK Unpad, or simply known as AMSA-Unpad) is a scientific, nonpolitical, nonsectoral, nonprofit, open, free, and independent organization affiliated to KEMA FK Unpad and AMSA Indonesia.

What is AMSA?
Why does AMSA-Unpad Conduct MUN?

Asian Medical Students Association (AMSA) is the peak representative organization for medical students all across Asia, the Asia-Pacific and beyond that is non-profitable and non-political. World Health Organization (WHO), Association of South-East Asia Nation (ASEAN), International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA) are several organizations that AMSA has built a partnership with.


In AMSA-Unpad, there are 3 divisions, one of which is English Academy. Due to our concerns of global health issues and our interest in the United Nations, English Academy AMSA-Unpad decided to hold a Model United Nations annually so the delegates can actively participate and learn first-hand how negotiations and diplomacy in United Nations are conducted.

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